Pubs and Restaurant Insurance

The restaurant business is hectic. Seriously hectic.

You need to juggle rotas with stock orders, accounts with menu changes, events with parties. Even with everything that’s happening behind the scenes, you also need to keep your kitchens and property spick-and-span, ensure your staff are happy and – most importantly – get customers coming in and make sure they want to come back again.


Alongside all of this, you really don’t need anything to throw a spanner in the works. Every restaurant needs robust insurance to protect both your business.

No time to wait

Key cover options 

Public Liability

Employers' Liability


Business Interruption

Buildings & Stock

Glass & Signage

What if a customer or member of staff slips and falls on a spilt glass of wine, suffering an injury? Or a customer suffers an allergic reaction to a meal that they were assured was safe for them to eat?


What would happen if you served alcohol to an underage customer or stayed open way past your licensed hours?

Find out more

To cover for these scenarios, you need liability insurance which stands up to the plate.


Even if you adopt the strictest health and safety measures and do everything right, due to the nature of your industry, things can go wrong at any given moment.


If your restaurant hosts private parties or events, the team at Sureplan will work with you to ensure these are covered properly under your policy. If you operate a food truck as a supplement to your restaurant, why not see how we can help with this as well?

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