Tradesman Insurance

Tradesmen need the patience of a saint and a good sense of humour.

Being a tradesman also requires a much more hands-on approach than many other professions, which means there’s less time to deal with paperwork and other admin requirements.


At Sureplan, our friendly advisors can take some of the burden out of your hands by arranging Tradesman Insurance that is tailored to your skill. Whether you’re an electrician, joiner, plumber or something else, we can help you get the financial protection you need.

Fix up your policy

Key cover options 

Public Liability

Tools and Plant

Goods in Transit

Contract Works

Personal Accident


Having the right insurance in place is particularly important for those in skilled trades as it can help to reassure customers.


Certain organisations also require traders to have a certain level of liability cover to join their books. Your cover will protect you and your livelihood should an unforeseen incident strike, whether you were in control of the incident or not.

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For example, if the site you are working on experiences a fire which wipes out all of the work you’ve already completed, your insurance will cover you for repairing the lost work.


Similarly, if you face a liability claim for negligence, your policy will cover for any resulting court fees and compensation costs.


We hope you won’t need to claim on your insurance, but if you do, our specialist team will work with you and your insurer to present your case and ensure a fair settlement.

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